A little history of Maryland

Maryland is famous not only for its natural beauty, but also for its many fascinating attractions.
The state has a population of 6 million people and an area of 32,000 square kilometers.

The state capital is Annapolis, and the largest city is Baltimore, with a population of 2.7 million.

Surrounding Antietam, the farmland that sprawls in western Maryland retains many traces of the Civil War.

Southern Maryland is especially popular for water tourism. The Chesapeake Bay has a long U.S. coastline that attracts anglers and sailing enthusiasts from around the world.

Here you can taste a delicious local delicacy – blue crabs in a soft shell.

The main feature of Maryland’s geographic location on the Chesapeake Bay is its proximity to the capital of the District of Columbia.

The original inhabitants who lived in the area around the Chesapeake Bay are the powerful Indian tribes of the Pequot, Choptank, Susquehanna, and others. The first Europeans to settle here in the early 16th century were the Spanish, followed by the French and the English. However, the English were more nimble and within a few decades established their colonies here.

In 1788, Maryland became the seventh state in the United States. It was one of the first states to form a new state.

Today, Maryland’s economy is focused on serving the metropolitan area. The state is home to many government agencies, as well as the headquarters of leading agencies, including NASA and the National Security Agency.

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